Blue Berry by Parrot Polish!

Hola, peoples! Today was a beautiful day in Pennsylvania- perfect for some swatching!!

Press Sample!

I’ve got a really cool polish from Parrot Polish to show you all today!

Blue Berry by Parrot Polish Collage

Blue Berry by Parrot Polish in both cold (top) and hot (bottom) states.


Blue Berry, a thermal polish, starts as a navy blue with some silver sparkle and transitions to a lighter blue that shows even more sparkle! Thermals are not really an exact science, so the blues on another person could show up lighter, as they do on Parrot Polish’s site. On the site it’s described as “a medium blue/purple shimmer cold to a light blue when hot”.  No matter which blue you get, though, this is a really pretty polish.


Hot Blue Berry by Parrot Polish 3

Blue Berry by Parrot Polish in its hot state.


And the formula! Perfection. I was being as careful as possible as I like to minimize my clean up, and the polish never started drying before I was done. I was able to manipulate it into 2 perfect coats and it went exactly where I wanted it.

Blue Berry Macro

Blue Berry by Parrot Polish macro in hot state.

Cold Blue Berry by Parrot Polish

Blue Berry by Parrot Polish in its cold state.

transition Blue Berry by Parrot Polish

Blue Berry by Parrot Polish in its transition state.

If you’re interested in this polish, just go to Parrot Polish’s site. Be prepared to pick up a couple of polishes while you’re there because Dave and Sonja can’t put out a bad polish, not to mention the excellent customer service! I highly recommend their brand. I’ve used several different types of polishes from them and they were all very high quality! Tomorrow I’ll have the nail art I did over Blue Berry!

Thanks for stopping by!



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