Pasta Salad

Happy weekend, everyone! Going to any parties? I have one to go to this afternoon that’s kind of a birthday/Memorial Day mash-up. At night I’m going to see my BFF and her family. They moved to Virginia (sad face), but are

coming up for the weekend with the BABY!  Guys, I have been having the baby blues for some time (my son is 9) and when I heard my friend was pregnant, I was doubly sad not to be able to be there for her and her new son. On Monday, I’m heading to my mom’s with my son and my brother and his girlfriend will also be there. I’ll watch them play badminton (I have a bad back, so none for me) and we’ll probably play Uno or something. For my mom’s shindig I’ll be taking pasta salad and banana cream pie. Hence this blog post!

Pasta Salad

My super delicious pasta salad!

I’m not one to brag, but I make some delicious (and pretty) pasta salad! I decided I’d impart my recipe to everyone else that would like to whip up a little something for their picnics this weekend or summer!

Leslie’s Pasta Salad

  • 1 box rotini
  • 1 15 oz bottle Wishbone Italian dressing (important! This is partly why it’s good)
  • 1 cucumber, peeled and thinly sliced
  • 1 head broccoli, cut into bite sized pieces
  • 1/2 head cauliflower, cut into bite sized pieces
  • 1 orange pepper, chopped (you can use any color, but this makes it prettier)
  • 1/2 red onion, chopped
  • 1 pkg cherry tomatoes
  • 2- 1/2 inch slices of provolone (deli can cut it this way for you), cut into little cubes
  • 1/2 pkg pepperoni, cut in halves (you know, like the packaged Hormel)
  • 1/2 jar olives, cut into halves

You can omit or change up any ingredients you don’t particularly like, but the salad dressing flavor is key to what makes the end product so delicious. I usually use Kraft Italian dressing, but for pasta salad I use Wishbone.

Start by boiling box of rotini according to package directions. While this is getting started, cut all items how I specified above. You’ll need a large bowl or large mixing bowl to start adding your items to. Place all in bowl. When pasta is done cooking, strain and run under cold water until pasta is all at least slightly chilled. Add to bowl. Pour in salad dressing and mix with a large wooden spoon. It’s ready to eat immediately or you can cover and set it in the fridge to blend flavors.

I know this is a pretty basic recipe, but I’ve honestly never had a better pasta salad than my own and have had recipe requests through the years. I just made some for 2 parties (and a little for me :-P) and thought, why not do a blog post!

If you decide to make it, let me know how it turned out! Or share your recipe or questions in the comments below!

Thanks for visiting and have a safe Memorial weekend!

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